Well, we've been here almost two weeks now, and even by our lazy standards we've achieved alot! See below for our best purchase so far... what a beaut!
So we flew into Melbourne, but because of the Commonwealth games we couldn't find anywhere to stay so instead of getting into that whole searching for accommodation when there isn't any, we hit the internet for flights and flew straight over to Brissie to see Dan and Kim (Hi Dan and Kim!). After dropping our bags we pretty much did absolutely nothing for a good few days. Recovering from being on the go for a while i guess.
After seeing a few sights of Brissie, relaxing and repacking we headed up the Sunshine coast to see fellow LC escapee's Ralph and Gail (Hi Ralph and Gail!). Rob finally got to see 'real' Australia! The stretched out beaches with almost nobody on them, nice waves to play in. Lovely. A great relaxing week with walks along the beach with their crazy-lovely dog and plenty of red wine and beer!
Anyway - R & G started to quiz us on our plans and we quickly realised that with ralph's expertise we could purchase a car! So we hunted around for about an hour, found one we liked, had dinner while we waited for a return call, then bingo! Now, anyone who's been to Oz knows they have this big thing over Ford's and Holdens (Holdens are Vaxhalls for those in the UK), you sort of have to be on one side or the other. Now, anyone who knows me from the UK will know i'm firmly stuck in the Ford camp, especially after the XR2 first car. But, Ralphie's a Holden boy, and, well, as in Rome i suppose... So we now have a blue Holden Commodore! We've taken it for some test drives... Sunshine Coast to Brissie, Brissie to Lennox Head. And - fingers crossed it continues to behave in the same way it has for those journeys!
In Brissie we spent the day out sailing with Dan and Kim, lovely little sail around Morton bay! Hopefully there will be a few more weekends like that!
We've changed our minds about 9 million times as to where in australia we are actually going, and after extensive planning for heading up north, we left and came down south to Lennox Head, a favourite haunt of mine from my last expedition to Australia!
After leaving Dan's and visiting three or four shops we had bought all the camping gear you'd ever want. It's actually quite embarresssing really, considering we are backpackers, as we have a really nice camping set-up. But the stuff here is so cheap compared to back home, and if you are going to camp - you should do it in style?!!
At the moment we are right down at the lake and about 2 minutes walk from the beach but i think we might relocate up the hill a bit, our patch only has shade in the morning and it's getting near easter and the park seems pretty booked up. Plus i think rob needs more pratice putting up the tent! Not sure how long we are staying - beauty of camping and having your house in the car i suppose! We will move up the coast back to Brisbane over the next few weeks and then see how it goes.
Enjoy the photos!
(thanks Kim for this photo!)
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