Sunday, April 22, 2012

Update to Project #30 & general...

So, we had the tile adhesive all over the walls, this was proving a complete pain to remove and we were then questioning if the new tiles would be flat on the wall (as the old tiles were applied at at least two different times with different adhesive).

Rob opted for the easy solution to that.... remove the walls... great. :-)

Today we were going to have a BBQ as the weather was SUPER nice. Which you certainly wouldn't believe from this photo taken a few minutes ago. And yes, they are hailstones. Honestly, an hour ago I was in the conservatory with my sunglasses on because it was so bright (and maybe a little bit to do with my hangover).

I was in the conservatory packing for the trip - VERY EXCITED.

And also keeping an eye on the new additions to the room; the lemon tree & the new plants (still haven't quite figured out what to do with these whilst we are away...).

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Project #31 - Reclaim garden from the concrete...

Not too sure why we are doing this - but i'm sure it will all become clear in the near furture...

Project #30 - Main Bathroom

Because I've just started my new job and we are leaving for the wedding (which isn't quite organised yet) in less than 3 weeks, we decided we didn't have enough to do - so this is the Easter weekend project.... actually it only took until yesterday afternoon to get this done, so there was a parallel garden project too... didn't want to be left with nothing to do... :-)

